Get it Done! is HERE! 

Join the only course you will ever need to learn essential self coaching tools and accomplish all those goals you've been waiting to accomplish year after year!

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This course is for you if you want to: 

1. Achieve your goal in 6 weeks!

2. Learn coaching skills you can apply to all areas of your life.

3. Increase self confidence in getting more done in your life.

4. See a significant result in your ability to move past mindset blocks. 

I am ready to Start!

Benefit 1

Accomplish a specific goal you've been waiting to achieve with the help of weekly one-on-one coaching as well as group coaching.

Benefit 2

Learn to manage your mind in the thick of it when taking action on your goals seems impossible.

Benefit 3

Learn the essential self-coaching tools to remove mindset blocks you didn't know existed and build self confidence.

Nilo has such a positive spirit that I just can’t get enough of. I could listen to her coach all day. She is genuine and truly listens to you. She provides life coaching that is tailored to your situation and challenges your thinking to new levels. Her coaching advice enhances your daily life and mindset. 10/10 recommend Nilo!



Nilo provides great information and she does a great job of explaining the why and how. She provides the tools and tells you how to use them. My favorite is the brain dump. Getting everything out of my head and onto paper helps me organize and prioritize!!


Sign me up for Get it Done!

Get it Done!

The Process

Step 1: Choose a goal you want to achieve in 6 weeks.

Step 2: Work with Nilo one on one to outline the specifics of your goal.

Step 3: Learn how to get it done using all the coaching tools Nilo will teach you in your weekly coaching sessions. 

Step 4: Nilo will keep you accountable through daily and weekly reminders and guidance to keep moving forward. You will bring any and all questions and problems related to your goal to your weekly coaching session.

Step 5: You will see significant results in your approach to achieving your goals. 

Sign me up! I want in!

10 goals you could achieve with the

Get it Done! Course!

Let's talk about all the different goals you could achieve in the next 6 weeks: 

1. Increase productivity at work and home.

2. Spend intentional time with family and friends.

3. Meet your weight-loss and health improvement goals.

4. Learn to wake up earlier in the morning and get time to yourself.

5. Reduce consumption of fast food and make more homemade meals.

6. Reduce screen time.

7. Reduce the number of times you scream at your kids. 

8. Reduce clutter in the space around you.

9. Reduce impulsive shopping online and in person.

10. Get more sleep and wake up rested. 


One time Investment


$3,600 Value

  • 12 Modules with recorded lessons.
  • Weekly 1-hour one-on-one coaching with Nilo
  • Weekly Group Coaching with Nilo and others in the course
  • 110-page workbook
  • Private Facebook community to connect with other coaching clients
  • Daily reminders and encouragement from Nilo on Voxer. 
  • BONUS # 1: Access to Nilo via Voxer in between your coaching sessions. When last minute urges hit and you need a sounding board, reach out to me on Voxer to get your questions answered!
  • BONUS # 2: PRINTED copy of the workbook mailed to you! You will still have access to the PDF copy, but you won't have to worry about printing your worksheets! 
  • BONUS # 3: 10% OFF of total investment when you sign up for all future rounds of the 6-week coaching course! 

Two Monthly Payments of


$3,600 Value

  • 12 Modules with recorded lessons.
  • Weekly 1-hour one-on-one coaching with Nilo
  • Weekly Group Coaching with Nilo and others in the course
  • 110-page workbook
  • Private Facebook community to connect with other coaching clients
  • Daily reminders and encouragement from Nilo on Voxer. 
  • BONUS # 1: Access to Nilo via Voxer in between your coaching sessions. When last minute urges hit and you need a sounding board, reach out to me on Voxer to get your questions answered!
  • BONUS # 2: PRINTED copy of the workbook mailed to you! You will still have access to the PDF copy, but you won't have to worry about printing your worksheets! 
  • BONUS # 3: 10% OFF of total investment when you sign up for all future rounds of the 6-week coaching course! 
I Want the Payment Plan.

Have questions?

Contact Nilo to ask specific questions you might have before purchasing the course.

What exactly are you learning inside the 6-Week Coaching Course?

All modules are available to you at the time of purchase.

The modules are created with you in mind and contain mindset shifting lessons to propel you forward in 6 short weeks!

  • Module 1: Start Here: Course Overview
  • Module 3: Introduction to Life Coaching
  •  Module 3: Life Coaching and The Model
  • Module 4: Smart Start Sunday 1-Hour Planning Training
  • Module 5: Measurable Scale
  • Module 6: Importance of Building Self-Trust
  • Module 7: How to Build Self-Trust
  • Module 8: Mind Drama vs. Productive Thoughts
  • Module 9: Emotions & How to Feel Them
  • Module 9B. Indulgent Emotions
  • Module 10. Mindset Blocks
  • Module 11: Contingency Plan
  • Module 12: Committing to Progress & Moving Forward
  • -Glossary of terms
  • -Self-Coaching Worksheets


Let's not forget the weekly One-On-One Coaching 1-hour call on Zoom that's recorded and link sent to you to re-watch and re-learn.

Weekly Group Coaching on Zoom with other members of the course that's also recorded and sent to all members.

Did I mention the BONUS access you have to me via Voxer Monday-Friday 9am-5pm?

And there might be a few other mini-surprises to help you learn skills you are going to apply to every area of your life!

One time Investment


$3,600 Value


Two Monthly Payments of


$3,600 Value

I Want the Payment Plan.

Meet Your Coach, Nilo Burke!

Friends, I am honored you are here. I've created this course with so much love and with you in mind.

I used to struggle accomplishing even the smallest of goals and unnecessarily suffered from mindset blocks.

When I found life coaching in 2017, I felt like I was waking up for the first time to the reality of what truly created my life: My Thoughts!

I cannot go back to save myself all the time I spent in mind drama, but I can pass on to you what I've learned as a Certified Life Coach and a woman who's put these tools into practice in real life.

My ultimate goal is to coach you and teach you essential life skills to apply to all areas of your life. My goal is not to make you dependent on me forever.

Take what you learn from me, apply it to you life, and pass it on to others in your life. Let's keep this circle of healing going so that every woman can benefit from life coaching.

I cannot wait to coach you!

With Love & Gratitude,
